

ARTICLE 1- Name of the Association: “Association for Supporting Entrepreneurial Women”.
Short Name of the Association: GIKAD
The headquarters of the association is Gaziantep.
The Association may open branches abroad and within the country.

  Name and Center of the Association
ARTICLE 1- Name of the Association: “Association for Supporting Entrepreneurial Women”.
Short Name of the Association: GIKAD
The headquarters of the association is Gaziantep.
The Association may open branches abroad and within the country.
Purpose, Field of Activity of the Association and Fields of Activity and Fields of Activity to be Continued by the Association in order to Realize This Purpose
Article 2- Provided that the association obtains permission from the relevant public institutions and organizations;
a- To support a social structure that adheres to the universal principles of democracy and human rights, respects the freedoms of enterprise, belief and thought, and is loyal to the contemporary civilization goals and principles of the Republic of Turkey. support in their activities,
b- Carries out activities for the development of cooperation and solidarity among entrepreneur women, provides the necessary support and guidance in order to overcome the social, legal and financial difficulties that entrepreneur women face in relation to these activities, provides consultancy and training services to entrepreneur women who will create employment within this framework, and thereby increasing the number of entrepreneurial women.
c- Provides necessary benefits for the problems that women, families and children may encounter in social and economic life, carries out activities to raise awareness of women's social and economic rights, provides material and moral assistance and support to strengthen the position of women in social life and the country's economy throughout the country, works on these issues executes and develops projects.
Working Subjects and Forms to be Continued by the Association
1- To conduct researches for the activation and development of its activities
2- Organizing studies such as courses, seminars, conferences and panels
3- To obtain all kinds of information, documents and publications necessary for the realization of the purpose, to establish a documentation center, to publish publications such as newspapers, magazines, books and bulletins in order to announce their work.
4-To provide a healthy working environment for the realization of the purpose, to provide all kinds of technical tools and equipment, fixtures and stationery
5- To carry out fundraising activities and to accept donations from the country and abroad, provided that the necessary permissions are obtained.
6- Establishing and operating economic, commercial and industrial enterprises, using e-commerce networks in the national and international arena, or being involved in these networks in order to obtain the income they need for the realization of the purposes of the Regulation.
7- Opening clubs, establishing social and cultural facilities, furnishing them so that its members can benefit and spend their free time.
8- Meetings, concerts, balls, theater, exhibitions, sports, excursions and entertaining activities etc. organize or enable its members to enjoy such events
9- Buying, selling, renting, leasing movable and immovable property needed for the activities of the Association and establishing real rights on immovables
10- Establishing foundations in the country and abroad, establishing a federation and joining an established federation, if necessary for the realization of the purpose, establishing facilities that associations can establish by obtaining the necessary permission.
11- Engaging in international activities, being a member of associations or organizations abroad, and cooperating or helping these organizations
12- If deemed necessary for the realization of the purpose, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law No. 5072 on the Relationships of Associations and Foundations with their Institutions and Organizations, to carry out joint projects with public institutions and organizations in their field of duty.
13- Establishing a fund to meet the short-term credit needs of the members of the association, such as food, clothing, and other goods and services.
14- Opening branches and representative offices where deemed necessary
15- Establishing platforms to achieve a common goal with other associations, foundations, unions and similar non-governmental organizations in areas related to the purpose of the association and not prohibited by law
16- Carrying out all kinds of activities that are necessary for the realization of the purpose and that are not prohibited by law.
17- To take initiatives, to develop suggestions and to contribute to the works representing the sector in order to increase women's entrepreneurship and employment in line with the benefit of the country.
18- Creating projects for trainings that will raise the position and status of women in society, enable women to receive vocational training and take more part in working life, gain the knowledge and qualifications demanded by the business world, and enable women to benefit equally from the opportunities offered by the society.
19- A national and international economic conference for the contribution of entrepreneurial women to the country's economyTo take initiatives before the courts and to contribute to the making of regulations
20- Establishing projects that will provide funds to raise awareness of entrepreneurship in the provinces and districts of the Southeastern Anatolia Region, disseminating the issue to large masses of people and presenting them to the relevant authorities
21- Carrying out studies and developing projects on raising awareness and empowerment of women on their social, political and economic rights
22- To inform women entrepreneurs about administrative, financial and legal issues, information technology, electronic commerce and the latest developments in these fields, to respond to requests from their members through other members or experts on the specified issues, and to women entrepreneurs with creative ideas in the field they want to operate in. assisting them in reaching the technical and financial support they will need
23- Carrying out all kinds of activities to increase the solidarity and cooperation among the members.
24 - Provided that they fulfill the legal requirements, associations, foundations, etc., which carry out similar activities in other countries. To exchange information with organizations, to develop joint projects in order to develop dialogue and cooperation, to organize national and international seminars, to send representatives to participate in seminars, training and other activities compatible with the purpose of the association organized by similar associations in foreign countries, to withdraw their representatives, to the said associations and organizations. become a member
25- Organizing conferences, panels, social events, competitions, forming juries, giving awards in order to realize the objectives of the association.
26- To benefit from broadcasting tools such as radio and television, magazines, newspapers, books, brochures within the scope of its purposes and activities; To prepare videos, cassettes, documentaries, films and CDs, to create platforms and archives based on all kinds of information and communication technologies such as websites, to get approval from the relevant authorities in order to publish magazines, newspapers, books, brochures and periodicals on behalf of the association.
27- Existing and future national and international, private and official organizations, chambers of commerce and industry, stock exchanges, professional organizations, foundations, associations, cooperatives, federations, confederations or all kinds of higher organizations, unions and similar organizations directly or affiliated with them. cooperate with and become a member and unsubscribe
28- Accepting conditional or unconditional donations from home and abroad, private and official organizations, including those with publicly beneficial status, chambers of commerce and industry, stock markets, professional organizations, foundations, associations, cooperatives, federations, confederations or all kinds of superior organizations, unions and To make donations in kind and in cash to similar organizations, to establish all kinds of measures, including mortgages, on the immovables of the Association, to terminate the established ones, to obtain or operate the usage rights, to grant scholarships, to obtain loans, to take all kinds of legal actions and debts. make transactions
29- Accepting and making donations in kind and in cash from national and international institutions, organizations and individuals regarding the purpose and service issues. Establishing partnerships, economic enterprises, foundations and mutual aid funds for the income increasing project and/or cooperating with the aforementioned organizations

Field of Activity of the Association
Society; operates in the field of social, vocational, education and economics at home and abroad.

Article 3- The Right to Become a Member and Membership Procedures
General Admission Conditions for Membership in the Association
a) Being a Turkish Citizen
b) To have civil rights,
c) To be over 20 years old,
d) Not to be a member of associations permanently or temporarily,
e) To accept the aims and objectives of the Association,
f) To have the features specified in the relevant article of the statute according to the type of membership.

Whether the applicant is accepted as a member of the association or not is notified by the board of directors within thirty days from the date of application. No one can be compelled to become a member of the association. There is no discrimination based on religion, language, race or gender in membership of the association.
There are three types of membership
a) Guest Membership
Members to be admitted to the association will be accepted to the original membership if deemed appropriate by performing and operating at least 2 activities.
b) Principal Membership
Principal members are real or legal persons who benefit from membership rights, accept the fees determined in accordance with this statute, and are accepted to the Internal Regulation of the Association. He has the right to elect and be elected as a full member, he can take part in any organ of the association and benefit from its effectiveness by having all the rights and powers. Main Membership is not limited to any period and continues indefinitely unless the member leaves the association voluntarily or his membership is not terminated in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the Bylaws. A suspension period of 2 years is given to the members who have lost the terms of the main membership in order to re-establish their terms. At the end of this two-year suspension period, the situation of the member in question is evaluated by the board of directors and a decision is made to terminate or continue the membership.

c) Honorary Membership
The title of honorary membership is given by the decision of the board of directors to institutions and individuals who have made technical, administrative, professional, spiritual or cultural contributions to the business world, the association, Gaziantep province, our country and/or humanity on a national and international scale, with an extraordinary skill and effectiveness. Honorary members are real persons and institutions that do not have the right to elect and be elected. Honorary members may attend the general assembly meetings provided that they do not vote. Honorary members do not pay dues. The Board of Directors may at any time decide to terminate the honorary membership if the conditions deemed necessary to become an honorary member are no longer present.

Article 4- Membership Procedures

a) Unsubscribing
    Each member has the right to leave the association, provided that he or she notifies him in writing.
As soon as the resignation petition of the member reaches the board of directors, the exit procedures are deemed to be completed. Resignation from membership does not end the accumulated debts of the member to the association.
b) Termination of Association Membership: Association membership terminates in the presence of one of the following conditions.
a) Existence of an obstacle to membership in associations pursuant to the Law on Associations, Turkish Civil Code, Turkish Penal Code and relevant legislation,
b) Failure to pay the membership fee within the relevant period without showing a justifiable reason despite the written notification and not being accepted to the general assembly due to non-payment of the fee,
c) Not to attend three consecutive Ordinary General Assembly meetings without giving any justified reason,
d) Examines the reasons for the examination of the member's status, together with the findings, about those who act contrary to the statute of the association with their works, attitudes and behaviors, and those who arouse the concern that these behaviors will harm the honor of the association,
c) It gives its decision within seven days following the receipt of the written and, if necessary, oral defense of the member. In case of an oral defense, the defense made by the Board of Directors is recorded in the minutes. The decision made by the Board of Directors is notified in writing to the relevant party within seven days. A member whose membership is decided to be terminated by the Board of Directors may apply to the Board of Directors in writing within seven days from the date of notification of the decision, and request that his situation be addressed by the general assembly. This request of the member is resolved at the first general assembly to be held. A special majority is not sought in the decisions to be taken on this issue.

  Article 5- Every member has the right to leave the association, provided that he or she notifies him in writing.
As soon as the resignation petition of the member reaches the board of directors, the exit procedures are deemed to be completed. Resignation from membership does not end the accumulated debts of the member to the association.

Article 6- Situations that require expulsion from membership of the Association

1. To act contrary to the statute of the association,
2. Constantly avoiding assigned tasks,
3. Failure to pay the membership fee within 6 months despite written warnings,
4. Not complying with the decisions made by the bodies of the association,
5. To lose the conditions of being a member.
   In case of detection of one of the above-mentioned situations, he can be removed from membership with the decision of the board of directors.
   Those who leave or are removed from the association are deleted from the member registry and cannot claim any rights in the association's assets.

     Article 7- Organs of the Association
a) General assembly,
b) Board of directors,
c) Supervisory board,
Article 8- General Assembly: General Assembly meetings and elections are held every two years in November with the participation of registered members of the Association. An extraordinary general assembly call is made when the boards of directors and supervisors deem it necessary or upon the written application of one fifth of the members of the association.
 Article 9- Call for General Assembly Meeting: The Board of Directors draws up the list of members who have the right to attend the general assembly according to the association's charter. Members who have the right to attend the general assembly are invited to the meeting at least 15 days in advance by announcing the day, time, place and agenda in a newspaper or by notifying them in writing or by e-mail. If the meeting is not held due to the lack of a quorum in this call, the day, time and place of the second meeting shall be stated. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days and more than sixty days. If the meeting is postponed for any reason other than the lack of a quorum, this situation is announced to the members in accordance with the call procedure for the first meeting, including the reasons for the postponement. The second meeting must be held within six months at the latest from the date of adjournment. Members are called back to the second meeting in accordance with the principles specified in the first paragraph. The general assembly meeting cannot be postponed more than once.

Article 10- Place of General Assembly Meeting and Quorum for Meeting: Ordinary general assembly convenes every 2 years in November on the day, place and time to be determined by the Board of Directors. General Assembly meetings are held in the center where the headquarters of the Association is located, or in a place outside the headquarters of the Association within the borders of Gaziantep Province with the decision of the Board of Directors. The General Assembly convenes with one more than half of the members who have the right to attend the meeting. If the quorum is not reached in the first meeting, the meeting is postponed; In the second meeting, a majority is not sought, provided that the number of participating members is not less than twice the total number of members of the Board of Directors and Auditors. General assembly resolutions are taken by the majority of the attendees. It is obligatory for 2/3 of the members of the association who have the right to attend the General Assembly for the bylaws change to be present at the General Assembly meeting; The decision regarding the bylaw change can only be taken with the 2/3 majority of the members attending the meeting. If the quorum is not reached in the first meeting, the meeting is postponed; In the second meeting, a majority is not sought, provided that the number of participating members is not less than twice the total number of members of the Board of Directors and Auditors. In the second meeting, decisions are taken by 2/3 majority of the attendees.
Article 11- General Assembly Meeting Procedure: The list of members who have the right to attend the general assembly is made available at the meeting place. Identity documents issued by the official authorities of the members who will enter the meeting place are checked by the members of the board of directors or the officials to be appointed by the board of directors. Members enter the meeting place by signing against their names on the list prepared by the board of directors. Those who do not show their identity document, do not sign the specified list and members who do not have the right to attend the general assembly will not be admitted to the meeting place. These persons and those who are not members of the association can watch the general assembly meeting in a separate section. If the meeting quorum is met, the situation is determined in a minute and the meeting is opened by the chairman of the board of directors or one of the board members to be appointed. If the meeting quorum is not met, a minute is drawn up by the board of directors. After the opening, a chairman and a sufficient number of vice-chairmen and a secretary are elected to manage the meeting, and a council committee is formed. In the voting to be held for the election of the organs of the association, the members who cast their votes are elected and the council committee is formed. In the voting to be held for the election of the organs of the association, it is obligatory for the voting members to show their identities to the council committee and to sign opposite their names on the list of attendees. The management and security of the meeting belongs to the chairman of the council. The general assembly is concluded by discussing and deciding on the agenda items. Each member has one vote at the general assembly; The member has to use the game personally. The topics discussed and the decisions taken at the meeting are written in a minute and signed by the chairman of the council and the clerks. At the end of the meeting, the minutes and other documents are delivered to the chairman of the board of directors. The chairman of the board of directors is responsible for the protection of these documentsis responsible for delivering it to the newly elected board of directors within seven days.
decision-making does not replace the ordinary meeting.

Voting and Decision Making Procedures and Forms of the General Assembly
Article 12- Unless otherwise decided in the general assembly, voting is done openly. In open voting, the method to be determined by the chairman of the general assembly is applied.
In the case of secret voting, the papers or ballot papers sealed by the meeting chairman are thrown into an empty container after the members have done what is necessary, and after the end of the voting, the result is determined by making an open list.
General assembly resolutions are taken by the absolute majority of the members attending the meeting. In so far, the decisions to change the bylaws and dissolution of the association can only be taken with a two-thirds majority of the members attending the meeting.

Article 13- Duties and Powers of the General Assembly
The following issues are discussed and resolved by the general assembly.
a) Election of the bodies of the association,
b) Changing the charter of the association,
c) Discussion of the reports of the board of directors and supervisory board and the release of the board of directors,
d) Discussing the budget prepared by the board of directors and accepting it as it is or by changing it,
e) Supervision of other organs of the Association and dismissal of them for justified reasons when deemed necessary,
f) The association's international activities, joining or leaving associations and organizations abroad as a member,
g) Dissolution of the Association,
h) Fulfilling other duties specified in the legislation to be performed by the general assembly,
i) Deciding to open a branch,
j) Authorizing the Board of Directors to establish a fund to meet the essential needs and short-term credit needs of its members,
k) Authorizing the Board of Directors for the purchase or sale of immovable properties necessary for the Association.
l) Authorizing the board of directors to open representative offices in and out of the country, where deemed necessary.

Article 14- Objections to General Assembly Decisions
Every member who is present at the meeting and does not participate in the General Assembly resolutions taken in violation of the law or the bylaws, within one month from the date of the decision, and every member who is not present at the meeting can apply to the court within one month after learning of the relevant resolutions, and request the cancellation of the General Assembly's decision. An action for annulment cannot be filed against the decisions of the other organs of the Association, unless the means of control within the Association are exhausted. The cases where the resolutions of the General Assembly are deemed null and void according to the law, are reserved.

Formation, Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors
Article 15- The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly, consisting of 5 full and 5 substitute members. The Board of Directors elects the Chairman of the Board of Directors at its first meeting and determines the division of duties among the members. The Chairman of the Board of Directors can be elected for a maximum of two years. The Board of Directors convenes at least once a month and when deemed necessary by the Chairman. If the number of members of the Board of Directors falls below half of the total number of members after the replacements are brought in due to vacancies, the general assembly is called for a meeting within one month by the current members of the board of directors or the supervisory board. The representation and binding of the Association is made by the President on behalf of the Board of Directors. According to this, it is carried out by a person from the board of directors in the absence of the President. Meeting and decision quorum

Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors
Board of Directors; manages and represents the association. Implements the decisions of the General Assembly. It undertakes all kinds of initiatives and activities in order for the Association to achieve its goals. In addition, the duties and authorities of the Board of Directors are as follows:
a) To represent the Association or to authorize one of its own members or a third person in this regard,
b) To make the transactions related to income and expense accounts and to prepare the budget for the next period and present it to the general assembly,
c) Association membership of non-Turkish citizens; may be appointed as an honorary member by the decision of the board of directors,
d) To carry out the tasks given to him by the statute and the legislation of the association and to use his powers,
e) To determine the entrance fee, annual fee and member participation fees in line with the budget; To take necessary actions against the members who do not pay their annual dues and participation fees,
f) To determine the general secretary and working conditions,
g) When the General Assembly authorizes the opening of a branch, identifying the founders of the branch and notifying the local authority,
h) If it has been decided to open a branch, to organize the activities of the association in matters deemed necessary, especially the functioning of the branches and also the committees, boards, councils, expertise groups and other bodies formed; To prepare internal regulations to determine the persons who will make statements about the association and its activities in the written and visual media and the framework of these statements.
i) Establishing committees and working groups in the Association, when deemed necessary, in order to solve the problems encountered in the activities of the Association, to disseminate the practices and to ensure that the association works effectively and efficiently in achieving its goals; to supervise the decisions made by the established committees and working groups, to work together with the other organs of the association
j) To publish periodic and non-periodical publications, which the laws do not prohibit by associations, to organize lotteries, balls, entertainment, performances, concerts, sports competitions, theaters and conferences, dormitory, hostel, library and reading room for education and training activities, in order to realize the purposes set forth in the statute. Taking decisions on establishing a child care center, nursing home, soup kitchen, sports field or hall for sports activities and camping facilities outside of residential areas, opening and operating a locality for social aid activities, and obtaining permission or supplying them by carrying out the necessary works and procedures in these matters. to appoint officials for
k) To invite members of associations or organizations in foreign countries to Turkey, or to send their members or third persons who have the right to become a member of the association abroad, following the invitations of foreign associations or organizations.
l) Directly or affiliated with existing and future national and international, private and official organizations, chambers of commerce and industry, stock exchanges, professional organizations, foundations, associations, cooperatives, federations, confederations or all kinds of higher organizations, unions and the like. to cooperate with organizations, to become a member and to withdraw from membership,
m) Establishing professional staff to carry out the administrative and financial affairs of the Association, assigning personnel to these positions, determining their wages and terminating the employment contracts of those deemed necessary,
n) Upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, to decide to expel the members who do not gain the qualifications and conditions of membership, or those who have lost their membership rights,
o) To take over and take over the management and monetary document transactions and assets of the association at the beginning of the working period, and at the end of the working period, to transfer them to the board of directors of the new term with a report, and
to submit,

p) To carry out other works and to use the authorities given to him by the statute and legislation of the association,
q) To prepare regulations in order to determine and improve the activities and functioning of the Association,
r) To open or close representative offices in countries and cities deemed necessary.

Article 16- Secretary General
The board of directors appoints a general secretary from among the members of the board of directors. The secretary general may attend the board of directors meetings. The duties and powers of the secretary general are as follows:

a) To ensure that all services and obligations of the Association are fulfilled in accordance with the programs and legislation,
b) To prepare the agenda of the meeting of the Board of Directors in consultation with the chairman of the board of directors; Inviting the Board of Directors to a meeting,
c) Coordinating the activities of committees and working groups; to report the said activities to the board of directors every month,
d) To fulfill the services and obligations determined by the statute and bylaws in accordance with the programs and legislation.

Composition, Duties and Authorities of the Supervisory Board
Article 17- The Supervisory Board consists of three full and three alternate members elected by the general assembly. At least two members of the Supervisory Board examine the transactions, communications and accounts of the association together. Each member has the authority to review individually. The status of the member who makes an examination alone is notified in writing to the other members. The Board of Auditors presents the report prepared as a result of the general audit to be held 15 days before the General Assembly meeting, to the General Assembly meeting. It presents its opinion on the budget prepared by the Board of Directors to the General Assembly. The Supervisory Board conducts an audit once a year and presents the result as a report to the Board of Directors and to all members as a summary. The Supervisory Board notifies the Board of Directors in the form of a report of the results of all kinds of controls and inspections. In cases where the General Assembly is required to be invited to a meeting, if they are convinced that the Board of Directors is negligent or incapacitated, they invite the General Assembly to the meeting under their sole responsibility.

Income Sources of the Association
     Article 18- The income sources of the association are as follows:
a) Entrance fee and member fee: Members are charged 1 TL as an entrance fee and 19 TL annually. This amounts to increase or decrease the general meeting is authorized,
b) All kinds of donations and aids,
c) Aids to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on aid collection,
d) Revenues from activities such as publications made by the association, lottery, ball performances, concerts, theater, education and other entertainment, sports competitions and conferences.
e) Income to be obtained from the assets of the Association,
f) Revenues from facilities and businesses to be established with the permission to be obtained in accordance with the relevant legislation
g) Revenues from printed publications, CDs and internet services,
h) Revenues to be obtained from partnerships, economic enterprises and mutual aid funds,
i) Income from sponsorship agreements,
j) Other incomes that are not contrary to the legislation related to associations,
k) Income from projects provided to national and international institutions.

Article 19- Committees and Working Groups
 The Board of Directors may set up committees and working groups in the Association when it deems necessary, in order to resolve the problems encountered in the activities of the association, to disseminate the practices, and to ensure that the association works effectively and efficiently in achieving its goals. These optional bodies can be terminated by the decision of the Board of Directors. The duties, powers and responsibilities of the General Assembly and the Supervisory Board cannot be transferred to all these committees and specialization groups that the Board of Directors may create. The duties and powers of the established bodies are determined by the bylaws to be issued by the Board of Directors.

Article 20- Income and Expenditure Procedures and Association Books
 The revenues of the association are collected with the receipt and expenses are made with the expenditure document. In the event that the income of the association is collected through banks, documents such as account certificate or account statement issued by the bank replace the receipt document. The receipt documents to be used in the collection of the association's revenues are printed with the decision of the board of directors. The person who will collect the income of the association is determined by the decision of the board of directors and a certificate of authority is issued on their behalf. Necessary books are kept in the manner and in the manner prescribed by the law and the legislation on associations.

Article 21- Association Entrance Fee and Membership Fee
 Association dues are collected once a year in January. The principal members of the association are obliged to pay the Association entrance fee and dues, which will be determined by the General Assembly of the Association, within seven days following their acceptance to membership. The association entrance fee is paid once. In addition to the Association entrance fee, the principal members are obliged to pay the Association membership fee to be determined by the General Assembly once a year as long as their primary membership continues.

Article 22- Establishment of the Branches of the Association
The association may open branches in places deemed necessary by the decision of the general assembly. For this purpose, the founders' board of at least three persons authorized by the board of directors of the association submits the branch establishment notification and necessary documents specified in the Associations Regulation to the highest civilian authority of the place where the branch will be opened.

Article 23- Duties and Authorities of Branches
 Branches are the internal organization of the association, which does not have a legal personality, to carry out autonomous activities in line with the purpose and service subjects, due to its duties and authorities, its receivables and debts arising from all its transactions.
Article 24- Organs of the Branches and Provisions to be Applied to the Branches
The organs of the branch are the general assembly, the board of directors and the supervisory board. The General Assembly is composed of branches of registered members. The board of directors is elected by the branch general assembly as five principal and five substitute members, and the supervisory board as three principal and three substitute members. The duties and authorities of these bodies and other provisions regarding the association in this charter are applied in the branch within the framework stipulated by the legislation.

Article 25- Meeting Time of the General Assemblies of the Branches and How to Represent them in the General Assembly of the Headquarters
Branches have to finish the ordinary general assembly meetings at least two months before the general assembly meeting of the head office. The ordinary general assembly of the branches convenes every 2 years in August on the day, place and time to be determined by the branch board of directors. Branches are obliged to notify a copy of the general assembly result notification to the local authority and the headquarters of the association within thirty days following the date of the meeting. Branches are represented by optional and natural delegates at the general assembly of the headquarters. The chairmen of the board of directors and supervisory boards of the branches will be elected as natural delegates, one for every twenty members registered in the branch, and one among these members if the number of remaining members is more than 10 or the total number of members is less than 20, and the delegates to be elected as elective delegates, representing the branch. has the right to participate in the headquarters board. The members of the head office, the members of the board of directors, and the delegates elected at the last branch general assembly attend the general assembly of the headquarters. Headquarters management and supervisory board members establish a headquartersNational attendees, but cannot vote unless they are delegated on behalf of the branch. Those who are in charge of the management or supervisory board of the branches leave their duties in the branch when they are elected to the headquarters management or supervisory board.
Article 26- Opening a Representation
The association may open a representative office with the decision of the board of directors in order to carry out the activities of the association where it deems necessary. The address of the representative office is notified in writing to the local administrative authority by the person or persons appointed as the representative by the decision of the board of directors. Representation is not represented in the general assembly of the association. Branches cannot open representative offices.
Article 27- Dissolution of the Association and Liquidation of Assets
The General Assembly of the Association can always decide to dissolve the association. In order to discuss the termination issue at the general assembly, 2/3 majority of the members who have the right to attend and vote in the general assembly is required. In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the management and auditing rules.
The decisions required for the dissolution decision to be taken are 2/3 of the votes of the members who attend the meeting and have the right to vote. Decision of termination voting is made openly in the General Assembly.

Liquidation Procedures
When the dissolution decision is made by the general assembly, the liquidation of the money, property and rights of the association is made by the liquidation board, which consists of the last members of the board of directors. These transactions start from the date of the general assembly resolutions regarding the termination or when the automatic termination becomes final. During the liquidation period, the phrase "Association for Supporting Entrepreneur Women in Liquidation" is used in the name of the association.
The liquidation board is in charge and authorized to complete the liquidation of the money, property and rights of the association from beginning to end in accordance with the legislation. This board first examines the accounts of the association. During the examination, the books, receipts, expenditure documents, title deed and bank records and other documents belonging to the association are determined and their assets and liabilities are recorded in a report. During the liquidation proceedings, the creditors of the association are called and their assets, if any, are converted into cash and paid to the creditors. If the association is a creditor, the receivables are collected. After the collection of receivables and payment of debts, all remaining money, property and rights are transferred to the place determined in the general assembly. If the place to be transferred is not determined in the general assembly, it is transferred to the association closest to its purpose in the province where the association is located and which has the most members on the date of termination.
All transactions regarding liquidation are shown in the liquidation report, and liquidation transactions are completed within three months, except for the additional periods given by the local authorities based on a justified reason.
Following the completion of the liquidation and transfer procedures of the money, property and rights of the association, the situation must be notified to the civil authority of the place where the headquarters of the association is located within seven days by the liquidation board, and the liquidation report must be attached to this letter.
Article 28- Circumstances that are not clear in the statute
In cases where there is no clear provision in this statute, the Associations Law and its regulations and the relevant provisions of the Turkish Civil Code are applied.
Lack of Provision
Article 29- In matters not specified in this statute, the Associations Law, Turkish Civil Code and the Associations Regulation issued with reference to these laws and the provisions of other relevant legislation on associations shall apply.
